It's Me, JD


15 Mid Century Modern Bedroom Decor Ideas You Will Want To Copy

Mid Century Modern Bedroom Decor Ideas You'll Want To Copy

Taking the time to update your current bedroom set up doesn’t have to take years. These simple Mid-century modern bedroom decor ideas can be added almost instantly! Once you start changing the look here and there, you’ll find out that there are so many great Mid-century modern home decor products that NEED to be on […] Read more…

15 Mid Century Modern Living Room Decor Ideas You’ll Want To Copy

Mid Century Modern Living Room Decor Ideas You'll Want To Copy

Looking for ways to spruce up your home decor? These Mid-century modern living room decor ideas are just what you’ve been searching for. These beautiful home decor items are ones that can be added into any living room to bring that appeal and “wow” factor with ease. Plus, the colors and look of these pieces […] Read more…

How To Organize Your Email Inbox (Once and For All!)

How To Organize Your Email Inbox (Once And For All!)

The average person receives an average of 100+ emails a day. Now think about the time spent managing those emails. (Or are you one of those that just let email messages pile up?) Unfortunately, not all of us have so much time to dedicate to email organization, and sometimes this can be a problem. There […] Read more…

15 Pretty Easter Mantels That Are Perfect For Spring

15 Pretty Easter Mantels That Are Perfect For Spring

Spring time means getting your mantel and table ready for Easter and spring decorations. Decorate your fireplace and centerpieces for the Easter season with some creative inspiration. Spring is the time for a fresh start and cheery decor. Get ready for Easter with touches of spring around your house. You can go as modern or […] Read more…

How To Organize Tupperware And Food Storage Containers (Once And For All!)

How To Organize Tupperware And Food Storage Containers (Once And For All!)

It is a well-known fact that there is no part of the home that can get a messy and disorganized as easily as the Tupperware and food container cabinet. That might seem like an exaggeration, but just think; how many times have you longed for a plastic container to microwave your food? And then you […] Read more…