It's Me, JD


How To Organize Your Email Inbox (Once and For All!)

How To Organize Your Email Inbox (Once And For All!)

The average person receives an average of 100+ emails a day. Now think about the time spent managing those emails. (Or are you one of those that just let email messages pile up?) Unfortunately, not all of us have so much time to dedicate to email organization, and sometimes this can be a problem. There […] Read more…

How To Organize Tupperware And Food Storage Containers (Once And For All!)

How To Organize Tupperware And Food Storage Containers (Once And For All!)

It is a well-known fact that there is no part of the home that can get a messy and disorganized as easily as the Tupperware and food container cabinet. That might seem like an exaggeration, but just think; how many times have you longed for a plastic container to microwave your food? And then you […] Read more…

How To Organize Your Cables, Cords, And Wires (Once And For All!)

organize cables, cords, and wires

Organization can be simple or it can be chaotic, especially if you have tons of electronics and appliances. Get those cables, cords, and wires organized with these genius tips. For every electronic device, comes a cable or two. Before you know it, your house can become a mess of cords dangling from your entertainment center […] Read more…

How to Maximize Your Freezer Storage Space

How to Maximize Your Freezer Storage Space

Have you ever had a problem in your home that seems so simple that you just overlook it? This is usually the case with our freezers. Rather than take the time to organize my freezer, I tend to just cram everything inside, and take everything out whenever I need something. I was always complaining about […] Read more…

18 Best Gifts For The Messy Person In Your Life To Finally Get Organized

18 Best Gifts For The Messy Person In Your Life To Finally Get Organized (1)

For that disorganized or messy person, this list of home organization gifts will be the perfect list to choose from to give to a loved one. Even if you or someone you love enjoys keeping the house organized, these gift ideas will come in handy. These items are all things that can be used during […] Read more…