It's Me, JD


How To Start A Lifestyle Blog in (15 Minutes or Less!)

How To Start A Lifestyle Blog Tutorial, Tips, Ideas

You’ve decided to share your story and your expertise with the world. It’s time to start your lifestyle blog. You love recording memories and helping others, why not turn it into a blog (where you could potentially make some money from it). Starting a lifestyle blog is fun, exciting, and easier than you think. Once […] Read more…

7 Ways to Make Money On Your DIY and Craft Blog

There are some proven methods to make money from DIY and Craft blogging. These methods are highly effective to monetize a blog and earn some real money online. I started my DIY and Craft blog not too long, and yes, it is possible to start making money right away. After all, who wouldn’t want a […] Read more…

How to Set Up Your DIY and Craft Blog the Easy Way (Tutorial With Pictures)

How to Set Up Your DIY and Craft Blog the Easy Way (Tutorial With Pictures)

You love to craft, you love to create, now you’ve decided to share your passion for creativity with the world. Starting a craft blog is fun, exciting, and easier than you think. Once you are sure you want to start a DIY and Craft blog, and you have chosen a name for your blog as […] Read more…

10 Things to Know Before You Start Your DIY and Craft Blog

You decided to start your DIY and craft blog. You’ve got so many ideas for branding, blog posts, and marketing strategy. Before you begin, here are a couple of items to consider. There’s some strategizing you have to do. A little planning ahead of time can make a big difference in the end. Here are 10 […] Read more…

The Best Names for Your DIY and Craft Blog

The Best Names for Your DIY and Craft Blog

One of the hardest things to decide is the name of your DIY and Craft Blog. After all, you would hate to rebrand later (trust me, it’s a lot of work). You want it to reflect upon you and your passion. It can’t be too long. It can’t be too complicated. Oh, and it can’t […] Read more…